How to find Out-of-Print Books by Judith Gould

Actually, it’s a lot easier than you probably imagined!

In this Age of the Internet, it isn’t difficult to find any book you might be looking for, whether it’s by me or by another author. If your local bookstore doesn’t carry a title you want, chances are they will gladly order it for you. Otherwise your best bet is probably

Should the book you’re looking for not be available, you’re not out of luck. You can always check out’s auction site for used copies. Other on-line avenues left open to you are listed at the bottom of this page.

And then there’s the trustiest of web sites, With google, I suggest you don’t just enter the name "Judith Gould" - last time I did that, I came up with 31,700 entries! Holy smoke! There’s me, the Judith Gould who wrote books like Sins and Dreamboat and then there were a few other Goulds, too, so make it specific (i.e., enter Judith Gould in quotes—which I did—but add one title at least, or else you’ll be scrolling for days.) So it’s best to be specific and narrow down your search.

As far as online bookstores and auction sites go, beware of shipping costs. If you live, say, in the United States, and you’re bidding on a title or buying a book outright, and you’re watching your pennies, you might want to make sure that shipping and handling costs are as low as possible. If you’re not in a rush, specify MEDIA MAIL. Granted, it’s slow, but it’s cheap.

Remember: with the vast number of the very same used book for sale out there, don’t just jump and buy the first one. Instead, get the best price you can! And never, ever, pay full price (or more!) for a used book online—especially if it’s used and out-of-print. Under most circumstances, you should be paying less than the original publisher’s price! For online booksellers, just follow the links below:

©2025 Judith Gould